
I am an academic researcher in quantitative behavioural and social science, specialising in judgement & decision-making and subjective well-being.

PhD Economics

University of Warwick

MSc Economics

London School of Economics

BSc Mathematics and Economics

London School of Economics

  • 2020 -

    University of Warwick

    Assistant Professor


  • Ocean, N. (2024). Weighting ratings: are people adjusting for bias in extreme reviews? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 30(2), 391-409.
  • Ocean, N., Meyer, C. (2023). Satisfaction and attrition in the UK healthcare sector over the past decade. PLoS ONE 18(4): e0284516.
  • Ocean, N., Howley, P. (2023). Which motivations would make farmers happier, and which would they choose? Land Economics, 99;(3): 458-476.
  • Howley, P and Ocean, N. (2022). Can nudging only get you so far? Testing for crowd out effects. European Review of Agricultural Economics. Volume 49, Issue 5, December 2022, Pages 1086–1112,
  • Ocean, N and Howley, P. (2021). Using Choice Framing to Improve the Design of Agricultural Subsidy Schemes. Land Economics, 97;(4).
  • Howley, P and Ocean, N. (2021). Doing More With Less: Leveraging Social Norms and Status Concerns in Encouraging Conservation Farm Practices. Land Economics, 97;(2).
  • Ocean, N., Howley, P., & Ensor, J. (2019). Lettuce be happy: A longitudinal UK study on the relationship between fruit and vegetable consumption and well-being. Social Science & Medicine.
  • Varley-Campbell J, Mújica-Mota R, Coelho H, Ocean N, Barnish M, Packman D, et al. (2019). Three biomarker tests to help diagnose preterm labour: a systematic review and economic evaluation. Health Technology Assessment 23;(13).

Working Papers